People often ask me, ‘why skiing?’ In a family whose origins are the Hunter Valley and for whom sport meant
Swimming tennis and Rugby? It all began when, in the early...
People often ask me, ‘why skiing?’ In a family whose origins are the Hunter Valley and for whom sport meant
Swimming tennis and Rugby? It all began when, in the early...
Apart from the donation by myself and sisters, Ann Dent and Jane Cummings, of a set of Charles Blackman prints to...
Alpine Beach: A Family Adventure (1999) is an autobiographical account of a decade the Steggall family spent in the alps of south-eastern France. In 1978 we (John, Susan, Zeke, aged seven and Zali, aged four) left Australia neither for work nor study, but for the adventure of it. Although the decision to leave was simple, the actual going was more complex - finalising business affairs, packing up our lives –...
Sydney-en-Chablais: Aventure d’une famille australienne (2002) is a translation by Susan Steggall of Alpine Beach: a family adventure. In the years following the publication of Alpine Beach many French friends in Morzine and neighbouring villages and town asked when the French version would be available. It was never going to be a commercial proposition so after much thought, I took life and reputation in hand and did it myself, ever...