Alpine Beach: A Family Adventure
Alpine Beach: A Family Adventure (1999) is an autobiographical account of a decade the Steggall family spent in the alps of south-eastern France. In 1978 we (John, Susan, Zeke, aged seven and Zali, aged four) left Australia neither for work nor study, but for the adventure of it. Although the decision to leave was simple, the actual going was more complex - finalising business affairs, packing up our lives – but leave we did... family, friends and financial security. It was an active, energetic life with few comforts or possessions; time effort and ingenuity we had it plenty, of money there was little to spare. The passing seasons were marked by our children’s progress in ski racing and our experiences of living in two cultures, two languages. Alpine Beach... is the record of that magic time.
Alpine Beach. A Family Adventure is available as an ebook.
STOP PRESS! A revised and expanded paperback edition has just been published: Contact Susan Steggall at: swal1@bigpond.net.au
for price and postage details.
‘[The] author does a great job of showing the immersion in each member of the family, young and old. We get a fully-felt message of what this adventure has meant to each of her family members. It’s far more than just how they’re doing in skiing. The book wraps up naturally and nicely for a lovely sharing of this chapter in her family’s history.’ (Judge, 4th Annual Self-Published e-Book Awards).
Kindle edition - click here EPUB edition - click here