Fiction 1 ­ Susan Steggall

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To Carve Identity - NEW!

To Carve Identity - NEW!

ISBN:978-0-9874944-4-3 (print)

ISBN: 978-0-9874944-5-0 (eBook)

Éditions Kusatsu, Sydney

Novels traditionally end with a ‘happily ever after’. To carve identity begins with a ‘happily into the future’. In 1949 Ellie Gilmartin returned to her native Glasgow after going to Australia to learn the truth about her parents’ tragic lives (The heritage you leave behind, 2021). If her professional career as a sculptor was progressing, her private life was in limbo as she reflected on her long-distance relationship with solicitor Jim Blackwood. He came looking for Ellie and their future began. The novel follows these two very different people as they negotiate married life – first in London, then in the NSW Hunter Valley town of Maitland. For Jim, marriage represents companionship, stability and family. For Ellie it is more complicated: how to be wife, mother and professional sculptor in mid-twentieth-century regional Australia. That she succeeds is due to determination and a belief in her talent but at story’s end she must truly fashion her own identity.

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A casualty of 2021 Covid-19 lockdowns has been the appearance of my new novel The Heritage You Leave Behind. The eBook has been available on the various digital platforms since August but now that I and the paperback version are together, I am looking to introduce it to the public. ISBN: 978-0-9581964-8-2 (print); ISBN: 9780958196499 (eBook); Éditions Kusatsu: $25.00+postage. For all enquiries contact:


NEWS!! The Heritage You Leave Behind was highly commended in the 2022 Society of Women Writers NSW Fiction Book Awards.

Read the review in the Tawny Frogmouth magazine! 


The Heritage You Leave Behind

Glasgow 1948 and 23-year-old Ellie (Eilean) Gilmartin becomes a sculptor despite family opposition and the shadow of her father’s torment following service in World War I. On learning that her mother did not die when she was a toddler but returned to the country of her birth, sends Ellie to Australia to find out why. After bureaucratic obstacles, psychological and physical threats Ellie learns that she cannot assume responsibility for the deeds of her parents but must leave their tragic heritage behind. A steadfast ally shows Ellie the possibility of love, in the future.

EBOOK ISBN: 9780958196499

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 'TIS THE DOING NOT THE DEED is now available from the author


Apolline is a headstrong French lawyer, and her mid-mannered Australian husband Parry, an investigator for an art auction house in Geneva. Against a backdrop of intrigue, flawed allegiance, greed and warped ambition, they work together to unravel the provenance of a collection of paintings by two 20th century Australian artists. What they uncover is a tale of love and hate, dominance and disobedience that spans almost a century.

PART I can be downloaded free. The eBook is available for those who like to turn pages!

ISBN: 9780958 196482 (eBook).

Contact:; or



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It Happened Tomorrow

It Happened Tomorrow

Fraud is no stranger to the world of art. Forged signatures on paintings, fake ‘masterpieces’ and illegal castings of sculptures—all make front-page news. Yet the person we identify as the ‘artist’ usually rings true.

On a visit to Australia, Mal, an arts reporter living in France, stumbles—or thinks she has stumbled—onto a quite different kind of fraud when she attends the opening of a major exhibition at a prestigious Sydney art gallery. There is something not quite right about the man who is presented as the high-profile French artist Denis Denarius. She convinces her brother Parry to accompany her back to France to investigate. Once there, Mal also enlists the aid of her husband Ludo and his lawyer sister Apolline.

Their search for the artist takes them from mountains of Haute-Savoie to the hillside villages of Provence in an increasingly bizarre set of circumstances.

In It Happened Tomorrow, Susan Steggall, an art historian with a love of art on the edge, combines erudition and humour in an entertaining tale of love lost and found against a backdrop of dirty deeds and warped ambition.

It Happened Tomorrow is available for $20 per copy plus $5 postage.

$20.00 plus $5 for postage - contact for order

Also available as an ebook

Kindle edition - click hereEPUB edition - click here

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Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not (2006) charts a woman’s journey of self-discovery while researching the mystery of her grandfather’s presumed death during the assault on Mont Saint-Quentin in northern France at the end of August 1918. The story Rose uncovers is more shocking and ultimately more wonderful than anything she could have expected to find.

Forget Me Not encompasses life in contemporary Australia and France as well as on the Great War battlefields of the Somme and in occupied France during World War Two.

ISBN 9781740083973


Forget Me Not is available for $20 per copy plus $5 postage.

$20.00 - contact for order

FORGET ME NOT is now available as an E-BOOK Click here

Publisher: Editions Kusatsu
Year: 2014
ISBN: 978-0-9581964-1-3
Price: 5.99 AUD

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